Hi, I’m Chastity

Professional Home Organizer serving Butler County, Ohio and surrounding areas. Owner of Uncluttered Inspiration Home Organizing, LLC,. I am a Christian, blessed mom of two beautiful girls and a bonus son. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart of 32 years. We have two dogs whom we love and my family is everything to me!


We do not judge anyone for their clutter and chaos. We will listen to you and remain empathetic, while you allow us to be in your most personal spaces of your home. You can expect compassion, encouragement, respect, trust and complete privacy from Uncluttered Inspiration Home Organizing.


I have been somewhat organized for years and then I had kids 23 years ago, which required even more organization! For me organizing became necessary to be able to think clearly, limit overwhelm in my home and in my brain. These systems have helped me create boundaries and make decisions easier. (Something I have struggled with.)

One day I decided I needed to move my body more. My desk job didn’t push me to move. I asked myself “If I could choose any job I wanted and thought I would enjoy, what would it be?” I love helping people, inspiring people to be better, making things better and organizing so I decided to do what I enjoy. Over the years, I have learned and applied many organizational systems that have helped me. I spend continued time educating myself even more with a goal to be the best I can. I decided to share my knowledge with others who struggle with organization, lack time, energy or don’t know where to start. Seeing the end results and joy on my clients faces makes all the hard work of organizing worth it!


To help people get decluttered and organized in their home or office with a compassionate, helping hand and no judgement! Doing this will help you relieve stress, save money, waste less, help you be more productive and add more peace in your home! Goal is to relax more and have more time for the things that are most important to you. I have clients who are overwhelmed, have limited time, busy families, busy careers, health issues, physical limitations and many of my clients just want to learn how to declutter and organize to change their lives for the better! Anyone can learn to declutter and get organized if you really want to with the right guidance! I will share with you my experience, knowledge and love for organizing to help bring more peace and less chaos into your home.

I’m looking forward to helping you through this new transition in your life.